Design/Build SR-528/SR-436 Interchange Flyover and Cargo Rd. Improvement
Orlando, FL
Services Provided:
Construction Engineering and Inspection
Our firm served as a subconsultant on the CEI team for two projects under this contract: the SR-528/SR-436 Interchange Project and the Cargo Road Improvement Project. The work required for SR-528/SR-436 Project included design management and the new construction of a ramp flyover and bridge (both bridges comprised of steel box girders), roadway widening of SR-528, roadway and bridge widening of SR-436, ramp reconstruction, ramp widening, drainage improvements, lighting, signing, pavement marking and ITS. Other relevant aspects of the project included drainage infrastructure systems, land forms, native planting, traffic control, irrigation, maintenance of access for pedestrians and sediment control. The Cargo Road Improvement Project consisted of the demolition, removal and reconstruction of three-quarter miles of roadway. Improvements included excavation for a new drainage canal, earthwork and the construction of a double-barrel concrete box. A² had a leading role on the project with our Project Administrator.